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On the use of the dual resonance non linear filter for speech processing in a hearing aid algorithm

M. Marracci, B. Tellini, R. Giannetti, S. Lizón-Martínez

IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications - MeMeA 2011, Bari (Italia). 30-31 mayo 2011


The Dual Resonance Non Linear (DRNL) filter bank is a powerful model of the human cochlear behavior successfully applied to cochlear implants. This study is aimed to the implementation of an algorithm for using this model in the processing of speech for external hearing aid devices.

Palabras clave: Hearing aid, cochlear modelling, biomedical signals, adaptive nonlinear filtering

DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en MeMeA 2011, pp: 521 - 524, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9336-4

Fecha de publicación: 2011-07-28.

M. Marracci, B. Tellini, R. Giannetti, S. Lizón-Martínez, On the use of the dual resonance non linear filter for speech processing in a hearing aid algorithm, IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications - MeMeA 2011, Bari (Italia). 30-31 mayo 2011. En: MeMeA 2011: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9336-4

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